Love Anchor Fashion Production



The Love Anchor fashion production team has a combined experience of over 30 years in Bali’s clothing production industry and have produced clothing for some of the freshest, most exciting, and biggest boutique brands globally.


The easiest way for any new startup is to buy our private-label clothing and insert your private-label branding logos. You can go straight out to test your customer base. Try our ready-made, market-tested designs, and focus on marketing your brand, the critical first step to any fashion brand’s success.

Ethical Manufacturing

Love Anchor strives to be as professional and ethical as possible in everything we do. All the craftsmen we employ are paid properly and fairly. We also follow the employment laws of Indonesia. All our staff have paid for holidays and health insurance.

Ethical Manufacturing

Love Anchor strives to be as professional and ethical as possible in everything we do. All the craftsmen we employ are paid properly and fairly. We also follow the employment laws of Indonesia. All our staff have paid for holidays and health insurance.
Satisfied Clients
0 +
Years of Experience
Monthly Capacity
0 K
Premium Quality
0 %
Satisfied Clients
0 +
Years of Experience
Monthly Capacity
0 K
Premium Quality
0 %
Satisfied Clients
0 +
Years of Experience
Monthly Capacity
0 K
Premium Quality
0 %

Experts In Our Field

Professional teamwork, over 30 years in Bali’s fashion industry. Our clothing products are uniquely produced, hand-dyed, tailored and printed locally in Canggu, Bali. We also provide the option to use sustainable materials and fabrics, access to a large network of skilled craftsmen and factories all over Indonesia for clothing production.

Experts In Our Field

Professional teamwork, over 30 years in Bali’s fashion industry. Our clothing products are uniquely produced, hand-dyed, tailored and printed locally in Canggu, Bali. We also provide the option to use sustainable materials and fabrics, access to a large network of skilled craftsmen and factories all over Indonesia for clothing production.